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I was born on July 2nd, 2008 in Vienna. My big brother Noah was born six years earlier. Our interests are very different, but when it comes down to it, we support each other a lot. I started playing the flute when I was four. At first, my mom and then my flute teacher (who I snatched away from my brother when he didn't want to play anymore) marked the notes with colors because I couldn't read music yet.

Unlike many others, I still play the recorder family with dedication today.

My mother wanted me to learn the violin because my enthusiasm and talent for music was obvious. But after the first lesson, I was no longer interested in this instrument. I really wanted to play the harp like princesses did, which is what I thought I was at the time.
In 2013, my parents and I were able to convince my then and current harp teacher (Mag. Andrea Hampel) to teach me despite my young age. By the way, after the first harp lesson, I told my parents that I wanted to become a harpist.

I started out on a small hack harp that my dad built for me in a construction course. But just two years later I had to, or rather was allowed to, switch to a single-pedal harp because the pieces I wanted to play and could only be played with this one.

Because I love playing in front of an audience, I have never missed a harp evening, performance or competition. My father told me early on that I was a "rampant...". Even now, there is nothing better for me than taking my audience on a journey with my music, where they can leave everyday life behind for a while.

As an added bonus, I was able to achieve many top places and numerous first places in national and international competitions.

Since 2019, I have been playing a concert harp with 47 strings and 21 possible pedal positions. This musical instrument, mine is called "Flora", allows me to play the entire harp literature at my concerts. At the moment, however, my favorite pieces are from the Romantic era.

In addition to solo pieces, which are a great passion of mine, I am also an enthusiastic orchestral harpist. In addition to performances with the Camerata Carnuntum, the Lyra Chamber Orchestra, the Gumpoldskirchner Spatzen and the Trautmannsdorf traditional costume band, I mainly play with the Young Master Ensemble. I have been a member of this ensemble since 2020. It is an orchestra for the promotion of gifted students at the Johann Sebastian Bach Music School and the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. We are particularly looking forward to a concert tour to China at the beginning of the coming summer holidays.
When playing together with other musicians, a special dynamic develops that takes you along and lets you fly together.

After graduating from the Vienna Music High School in two years, my goal is to study concert harp and turn my passion, music, into my profession.

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